Bioconductor Ladies

Bioconductor Ladies

Author(s): Daniela Cassol, Estefania Mancini, Lori Shepard, Hedia Tnani, Janani Ravi, Susan Holmes

Many Bioconductor users and developers are members of [RLadies](, a decentralized organization that provide R workshops and talks to support inclusion for those who identify as female or as gender minorities (including but not limited to cis/trans women, trans men, non-binary, genderqueer, agender, pangender, two-spirt, gender-fluid, neutrois). The Bioconductor Community Advisory Board ( RLadies host a birds of a feathers gathering to discuss how the Bioconductor community can support gender minorities and women and how we can build and grow with RLadies.

On YouTube: